I mentioned in my last post I was half way through my chemo treatments and for that I would celebrate. It was hard to celebrate when I felt like poo, but I've broken through now!!!  It took a whole week this time to have a full feel-good day, but today it happened.  Thank you Lord!

In my next round I'll be on a schedule of every third week rather than every other.  I will also move on to a different medication.  I hope that gives me some more "me" time.  My sister-in-law Lisa still had a tough time with it but the doctor tells me that is not what the majority of people experience.  Please Please Please let him be right.

Tomorrow I'm spending the day with my brothers and all our kids.  We're going to do some geocaching!  I haven't seen these guys much since the first of the year so I'm really looking forward to it.  My siblings and I are pretty close but my brothers are having a hard time knowing what to say or do around me.  This will be a great way for us to reconnect.  If you don't know what geocaching is, check out this video:

Monday I have the day off work to participate in a "Look Good - Feel Better" makeover at the oncology center.  Four day weekend--- WooHoo!

Not much more to say in this post.  I don't want to just keep going on and on about all my side effects.  Right now I choose to forget about them! Nothing can take that power away from me.  :-)


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