Monday (Day 5) through Thursday (Day 8)

Monday and Tuesday I battled headaches but they seem to be lifting.  Yesterday it occurred to me that they are worse early in my chemo recovery, when I'm not eating out and drinking sodas and when I'm not in the office drinking coffee!  Duh!!
I don't think it is 100% caffeine related, but I'm sure it has to do with it some.  I also don't know who this chick in in this picture, but she represents how I feel about my coffee pretty well so I decided to include her.  ha ha ha 

It's been a beautiful week.  On Monday evening I had some feel-good time so Jeff and I went for a motorcycle ride and stopped by to see my friend Jill.  We got the motorcycle in November and except for the day after I haven't been able to go for a ride.  I'm so grateful the kids can stay alone for short periods.  We reminded them there were a lot of leftovers in the fridge and they knew how to use the microwave.  Then I put on my newly purchased Harley head wrap (and helmet of course) and we hit the road!

Until Wednesday I had lingering nausea.  Sometimes it would lift if I ate something small, kind of like pregnancy morning sickness.  I finally called the doctor and he prescribed something that wouldn't put me to sleep so I could work.  It really helped but must be expensive.  Insurance would only allow 12 pills!  Today I didn't have to take anything for nausea and ahhhhh, it felt good.

My new ailment this go around is with my feet.  I consulted the "internet search doctor" and diagnosed myself but when I called the nurse about it she had never heard of it.  I have an appointment tomorrow to let the doctor (the real one) check it out.  This is what I found and it sounds dead-on.  The first drug on the list is the one I am taking right now.

Hand and Foot Syndrome

Last night I slept with an ice pack at the foot of my bed.  I worked from home today and stayed off my feet.  They're a little better.

The week before I started chemo I moved into a new role at work.  It's a great fit for me and I'm really excited about it.  Taking on a new job at the same time as chemo sounds crazy, but work has been very accommodating.  I was even allowed to hire a contractor to help me out for the next six months while I'm not running at full capacity!  He started this week so I'm going to head to Cinci and spend a couple days with him next week before my next chemo session.  

I'll have this weekend with my family as the old Amy (assuming I can get this foot issue resolved!), a couple days in Cinci, and then we have to start this mess over again.

                                                                               This is how I feel about that!!


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