I finished my last chemo treatment on June 12, 2012 and I pray I never have to do that again. If I am ever diagnosed with breast cancer again though I will. Life is worth the fight. My chances of a reoccurrence are 20%, much better because I decided to treat it aggressively. The only thing I opted not to do was the mastectomy. And if it comes back I won't hesitate to do that too. Radiation starts on July 9th. I meet my Radiologist on the 2nd, the day after I return from vacation.
No need to think about that now. It is CELEBRATION time! I am blogging from a 12th floor balcony overlooking the beautiful beach and ocean in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Tropical storm Debby has decided to head east and for that I am very thankful. She hung out in the Gulf for a few days while making up her mind and it was looking pretty bad here when we arrived yesterday. Double red flags were up and the Coast Guard was kept busy looking for people who thought they were stronger than mother nature and could swim anyway. Here is a picture we took yesterday evening.
On our way down here we spent the night in Huntsville, Alabama and visited the Space Center. I highly recommend it. We only had 3 1/2 hours there and could have made it a whole day. There was something for everyone. Seeing the rockets and space shuttle up close was mind blowing. The extra $5 admission to include an IMAX film was worth it too. There were a few rides there and I wanted to go, but I didn't. I'm still learning my limitations. My chest hurts when I exert myself and I was afraid the adriniline would set it off. The signs said no if you were pregnant, had a heart condition, or "other" major illness. I guess recovering from 8 chemo treatments would count as "other". Don't ya think?
I haven't worn a hat for scarf as much here and it is quite liberating. Even when I do though people look. Jeff and the kids have told me. I don't notice it as much as they do. I guess people wait until I'm not looking to stare, but they don't pay attention to my family noticing them. I hope it doesn't bother them. It doesn't bother me. If they are concerned for me they shouldn't be. I noticed a couple of kids looking right at me and cocking their head to the side. I bet mommy and daddy got some questions. :-)
One man laughed and told me how much he loved the button I keep pined to my hat. I love it too. It explains to people what is going on and lets them know it is ok to laugh. My sister gave it to me after finding it in a box of old costume jewelry she inherited from our grandma. The "utah cancer specialists" tells us it once belonged to our step aunt, Movita who also battled cancer and lived in that area of the country. Movita lost her battle a few years ago and I like that it belonged to her. She was a sweet and classy lady and this button means more to me than anything else I got of hers after her passing.
It's different being at the beach when I'm not obsessed with getting a tan. My skin is very sensitive to sunlight right now, more so even than what I usually am as a fair skinned red-hed. It is still very relaxing though. If we would have picked a non-beach vacation I would be doing a lot more walking and I just don't have the energy for that. I tire and lose my breath SO EASILY. It reminds me of being in my third trimester with twins!!
Yesterday when the weather was yucky looking I found a nail salon and had a mani-pedi. The person who worked on my feet was a caucasian man in his mid 20's. LOL That is the very unusual for a strip mall nail shop. It was nice that we could chat and understand one another. Come to find out, he was from Vincennes, Indiana! He understood what chemo does to your feet so I wasn't embarrassed. It has destroyed the bottoms of my feet with blisters and peeling skin and I've lost one of my toe nails. He worked on them extra long. I know because the girl next to me came and went in the time I was there. He managed to make them look really good. I'm glad I went.
Well, I guess I'll get back to vacation now. Abby and I need to find us some yummy seafood. Jeff and Grace are staying back at the condo and eating leftover pizza.
I finished my last chemo treatment on June 12, 2012 and I pray I never have to do that again. If I am ever diagnosed with breast cancer again though I will. Life is worth the fight. My chances of a reoccurrence are 20%, much better because I decided to treat it aggressively. The only thing I opted not to do was the mastectomy. And if it comes back I won't hesitate to do that too. Radiation starts on July 9th. I meet my Radiologist on the 2nd, the day after I return from vacation.
No need to think about that now. It is CELEBRATION time! I am blogging from a 12th floor balcony overlooking the beautiful beach and ocean in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Tropical storm Debby has decided to head east and for that I am very thankful. She hung out in the Gulf for a few days while making up her mind and it was looking pretty bad here when we arrived yesterday. Double red flags were up and the Coast Guard was kept busy looking for people who thought they were stronger than mother nature and could swim anyway. Here is a picture we took yesterday evening.
On our way down here we spent the night in Huntsville, Alabama and visited the Space Center. I highly recommend it. We only had 3 1/2 hours there and could have made it a whole day. There was something for everyone. Seeing the rockets and space shuttle up close was mind blowing. The extra $5 admission to include an IMAX film was worth it too. There were a few rides there and I wanted to go, but I didn't. I'm still learning my limitations. My chest hurts when I exert myself and I was afraid the adriniline would set it off. The signs said no if you were pregnant, had a heart condition, or "other" major illness. I guess recovering from 8 chemo treatments would count as "other". Don't ya think?
One man laughed and told me how much he loved the button I keep pined to my hat. I love it too. It explains to people what is going on and lets them know it is ok to laugh. My sister gave it to me after finding it in a box of old costume jewelry she inherited from our grandma. The "utah cancer specialists" tells us it once belonged to our step aunt, Movita who also battled cancer and lived in that area of the country. Movita lost her battle a few years ago and I like that it belonged to her. She was a sweet and classy lady and this button means more to me than anything else I got of hers after her passing.
It's different being at the beach when I'm not obsessed with getting a tan. My skin is very sensitive to sunlight right now, more so even than what I usually am as a fair skinned red-hed. It is still very relaxing though. If we would have picked a non-beach vacation I would be doing a lot more walking and I just don't have the energy for that. I tire and lose my breath SO EASILY. It reminds me of being in my third trimester with twins!!
Yesterday when the weather was yucky looking I found a nail salon and had a mani-pedi. The person who worked on my feet was a caucasian man in his mid 20's. LOL That is the very unusual for a strip mall nail shop. It was nice that we could chat and understand one another. Come to find out, he was from Vincennes, Indiana! He understood what chemo does to your feet so I wasn't embarrassed. It has destroyed the bottoms of my feet with blisters and peeling skin and I've lost one of my toe nails. He worked on them extra long. I know because the girl next to me came and went in the time I was there. He managed to make them look really good. I'm glad I went.
Well, I guess I'll get back to vacation now. Abby and I need to find us some yummy seafood. Jeff and Grace are staying back at the condo and eating leftover pizza.
so glad you had a great vacation Amy, you deserved it. I admire you more than i could every tell you!! hugs, Kelly