Thursday --  Day 1

I rushed to send out a promised work email when my mother-in-law arrived to drive me.
I ran downstairs and applied the wonderful numbing cream to my port and covered it with press-and-seal to allow it time to soak in before they stuck me.

I was called back for my pre-check.  They draw blood and weigh you.  I lost a couple pounds!  WooHoo!!
The nurse had some issues and it was not comfortable.  I hope I get my old nurse next time.

I met with the doctor.  He said my white blood cell count was wonderful, even on the high side.  This is good news as any infection during chemo could be serious.
I asked about my fatigue being more than I expected.  He confirmed that it is because I have chosen to not take steroids.  I didn't want the weight gain or insomnia, so it is a reasonable trade.

I found my seat and settled in.  Since I forgot both my phone and Kindle in the rush, I needed some reading material.  I picked up a book from the borrow library in the corner of the room, The story of Elizabeth Smart.

I was hooked up and Josette was off to lunch with here friends so I dove into the book.  It is interesting how much of the book is talking about their Mormon faith.  I've been curious about it, so I like this way of learning.

I ate the PB sandwich I brought with me and felt much much more tired than I had in the past.  I took a nap without my blanket... because I forgot that too!!

Josette returned, I finished, and she brought me home

My dad came over to visit.  I miss and love him so much.  Our relationship spark has been one of the GOOD things about my breast cancer.  I hope he does that more often.  I had enough energy to make some chili.  Since no one in my family eats it but me I sent him off with half.

The fatigue hit.  It hurt to walk up the stairs.  I spent the evening on the couch and felt some nausea kick in.

I headed to bed to work on my blog.  My lips are getting really dry so I put on some medicated Blistex.  The Phenergan is kicking in now.  Time for night night.


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