After the call I quietly left work 30 minutes early.  I called Jeff from the car and cried right there in the parking garage.  We weren't surprised.  It didn't sound good during the biopsy the previous day.  But it was real now and it wasn't something I could run from.

On the drive home I called Mom.  She asked me a question related to what I was going to do next (I don't remember what it was) and I told her I wanted to just drive home and pretend this didn't happen.  My mom has this way of saying, "Oh, Amy" where her voice embraces you through the phone during the quiet pause afterwards.  My brothers and sisters know exactly what I'm talking about.  They have felt it before too.  It's wonderful.

Jeff and I told Abby and Grace that very night.  I didn't want to hide anything from them.  If we could all talk about it, it would be fine.  I always work my way through things by talking about them.  Grace and Jeff do too.  Not Abby.  She was quiet, but processing it all the same.  Afterwards we decided to have some family time and went for a drive to look at Christmas Lights.  We hit the Fantasy of Lights at Garvin Park.

After that first cry in the car, I separated myself from it all for the first 24 hours or so.  On Saturday morning I made phone calls to tell those closest to me, but I did it in a way that you would call people up and invite them to a party.  I had a list of names and it didn't talk long.  I just made my way down the list and checked off the names as I went. By 10am I was done.  It was kind of like a Saturday morning chore I was happy to complete.  It sounds strange looking back on it now.

On Monday I didn't waste any time telling my work friends.  I sent a group email to friends at Vantiv and many other log-time CMC buddies.  Until this blog that email was my way to give updates.  I'm hoping to use this going forward.

The immediate and continuing out pour of support has been wonderful.  I have never felt so loved.


  1. You have already beat it my friend. Just FBing you and reading your blog pretty much proves it. You will look back at this time as one to cherish forever. Your friends and family love you and will show it like you cannot even imagine. Laughter is second only to God during your journey. Laugh at everything. Those moments of humor are the ones that to this day, we remember in great detail. The rest of it is mostly a blur. Here for you sister!!


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