On Friday December 9, 2011, at 3:30pm I received the call.  She said it was Infiltrating Ductile Carcinoma.  All I heard was Carcinoma.

It had all happened so fast.  The day before I strolled in for a call-back mammogram without worry.  I was just sure there must have been a fold in my skin or some other reasonable explanation why they would need new pictures.  When the tech pointed out to a trainee working along side her, "See here, that's the spot we are trying to get good pictures of.", my heart sank.  It was still there!

I waited nervously while the Radiologist examined the new pics and texted my every thought to Lisa, my BFF and sister-in-law who had bravely and faithfully traveled this journey just 12 months before me.
I was called back in for even more pictures, waited again, was pulled in for an ultrasound, waited again, and then spoke to the doctor.

He said there were characteristics about the mass that concerned him and he wanted to do a biopsy.  I could do it that day, or schedule it for later.  "Today!" I said, "How could anyone just walk away not knowing?".  He said that you would be surprised how often people just want to wait and see.  He obviously didn't know me.

I called Jeff and he left work immediately.  I returned to gather my things from the office, meet up with him, and we head back in for the biopsy together.

It wasn't painful at all.  I watched the ultrasound machine so I could see what they were doing.  Seeing it in a black and white image on a screen allowed me to separate from the reality of what was happening.
See "Core Needle Biopsy"

My heart was so fast and I thought I might faint from forgetting to breathe.  I told Jeff to ask all the questions because I couldn't think.  Can you believe that?!  I couldn't think of any questions!  I told him to even ask the ones that he thought might scare me... and he did.


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