MISCELLANEOUS THOUGHTS I've said it before and I'll say it again, not one of these chemo treatments has been the same. Yeah, we've tinkered with meds and stuff, but it's gone further than that. Even when we haven't, my body has reacted differently. Maybe it's because it is cumulative. Maybe it's because I am becoming more and more aware of my body and I concentrate on myself more. Maybe it is because of the change in temperature or what I ate. Who knows! It kind of reminds me of being a new mother. You keep trying things and listening to all the advice on how to make the baby sleep or eat or poop, but nothing works the same way twice. (Yeah, the sleep, eat, and poop thing applies to me as well.) After seven treatments I finally realized if I can figure out what works for me at a particular time I should just go with it and be happy. I don't obsess anymore on why it did work like that the last time around. ...